Estate Sale Goddess hosts: LEVEL UP! Alison Zehr “Goddess of Rogers Park” APRIL 21st 22nd 23rd 9-3pm

YOUR Estate Sale Goddess hosts:

The Goddess of Rogers Park!

Ms Alison Zehr


I spent my formative years in Rogers Park. 1339 W. Lunt to be exact. This is full circle for me (Lynn). Our home was right down the street from Alison Zehr. And what a lovely estate this is ladies and gentlemen! I’ll get to the goodies in just a moment. I simply must share with you Alison’s Zehr’s amazing life! When Ty and I arrived to do the walk through, the entire visit just felt good! We all talked and walked the estate and figured out the game plan. As we (Ty and I) begin to delve into the estate, we began uncovering, art, jewelry, sterling, vintage hats, sheet music, etc. But then folks began telling us little tidbits about Alison. Some people have a hellleva calling. Alison was one of them. Read below…

Advancing Chicago’s Civic Agenda

Director of the Chicago office of the Cultural Facilities Fund

Director of Community Programs for the Chicago Botanic Garden

Executive Director of Quad City Arts

Director of Education and Development for Friends of the Chicago River

Chicago Public Schools

Chicago Community Trust

Columbia College Chicago

Chicago Film Archives

Chicago Photography Center

Chicago Poetry Center

Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation

Illinois Arts Alliance

Local Initiatives Support Corporation

Lincoln Park Zoo

Museum of Contemporary Art

National Assembly of States Humanities Councils

National Vietnam Veterans Museum

Pros Arts Studios

University of Chicago

Victory Gardens Theater

and Woman Made Gallery. 

Hence the name of this sale, LEVEL UP! After learning about her, I’m convinced I must LEVEL UP! I must and will do better. I will help more. I will try and help as many people as I can. Even if its simply water to a thirsty woman or food to a hungry soul. I am forever changed. Thank you Alison Zehr, Goddess of Rogers Park! 


Tune in to WBEZ and hear YOUR Estate Sale Goddess (Ty and Lynn McDaniel) speak to “Flowers You Can Smell: The World of Estate Liquidation”  APRIL 6TH 11:40am  RESET! 

WBEZ: Meet Chicago’s Own, Estate Sale Goddess!  

Please, if you need our services, we are here to help. 

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